by Andy Im / April 2, 2018
Elder Wes Peppers has accepted the invitation to serve as the new associate ministerial director, a position that was vacated when Elder Justin Ringstaff became the executive secretary. Elder Peppers will also continue to serve as evangelism coordinator for the conference.
A significant aspect of his responsibilities will comprise the training and mentoring of new pastors, similar to the work that Elder Ringstaff provided. In addition, he will continue to lead the charge in the work of evangelism and exciting initiatives like Unlock Revelation, and teach classes for Emmanuel Institute.
Prior to serving in the Michigan Conference, he served as an evangelist and Global AFCOE Director for Amazing Facts.
We praise God he will be immersed in the very work he's passionate about. Let's continue to pray for Elder Peppers and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit as we near the return of our Lord and Savior.