Lifestyle Matters



Vicki Griffin, MS, Human Nutrition; MPA is the author and producer of the Balanced Living, Quit Nicotine, Lifestyle Matters Health Intervention Series and the Fit & Free! Building Brain and Body Health Series. Vicki is the Director of Health Ministries for the Michigan Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and the Editor of Balance magazine and Balanced Living tract series. Vicki lectures and travels worldwide sharing the lifestyle link to better mental, physical, and spiritual health. Her special area of interest and research is the relationship between diet, lifestyle, stress mechanisms, and brain health. 



We want to encourage churches to use the materials available to witness to others and win souls for Jesus.

Lifestyle Matters is a powerful, practical health evangelism program designed to allow any church to do effective health community outreach as an integral part of their evangelism cycle. With several innovative, cutting-edge, plug-and-play modules, Lifestyle Matters provides a wealth of materials that meet community needs and help you make friends in your community. Whether you have a health professional in your church or not, you can use the Lifestyle Matters modules in your outreach plan. Lifestyle Matters is being used in churches all over North America with excellent results. Coupled with the powerful New Balance magazine series, no one offers you more flexibility and ease-of-use than the Lifestyle Matters Health Intervention Series. Lifestyle Matters. Changing Lives...for Good! Call 866-624-5433 to order or visit for more information. 


For FREE Health Articles, Handouts, Recipes, or to order Lifestyle Matters products, Balanced Living PowerPoints, please visit the Lifestyle Matters Website.