Register for Camp Meeting Fun Run
April 14. Join us for the annual Camp Meeting Fun Run for healthy exercise, wonderful fellowship, and to support a great cause! Registration fees and donations will go towards the GLAA Worthy Student Fund to help students afford a life-changing, Adventist educational experience! Register for the Fun Run by May 23 to receive your memorabilia t-shirt!
Donate Supplies for Flood Victims @ Camp Meeting
April 14. Donate materials such as scouring pads, cleaning liquids, latex gloves, soaps, and more for flood victims!
Camp Meeting Paid Janitors Needed
April 14. Help clean the restrooms during camp meeting from June 10-18. Applicants must be 14 yrs+, with confirmed lodging and a completed employment application.
Register Online OR By Mail (Registration Now CLOSED)
March 1. Registration begins March 1 and will close March 15. The registration packet is included in the March edition of the Michigan Memo. You may also print out a copy and register via mail or register online by accessing the button below.
Purchase Camp Meeting Meal Tickets: May 1-15
March 1. Online purchases for meal tickets will be made available from May 1-15. You may purchase your meal tickets by clicking the link below.